
Thursday 8 February 2018

Be well acquainted with Your Bible

Brush up on your Bible for it avoids Truth Decay

Cool Quote I found on a church’s sign. If  any college student knows word for word all that he has read in text books in school, that will be amazing, but students are rewarded with degrees for getting the basics done, knowing the concepts, passing the exams and they become professionals that people want to hire.

Therefore thou shalt love the Lord thy God, and keep his charge, and his statutes, and his judgments, and his commandments, alway. Deuteronomy 11:1

Friday 26 January 2018

Bible Reading is Vital

“Bible reading doesn’t feel like a chore, why do people make it sound so burdensome”, so says the young girl who is 13, to her youth leader me who was wowed 😭😯 at her response as I encourage her to be steadfast in Faith, during a Camp retreat….

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.
John 1:1-2

Wednesday 10 January 2018

JESUS help me do the Impossible

JESUS help me do the Impossible

And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. Mark 10:27
The beauty about being a Christian, is doing the unthinkable, GOD who made life is well known to you… And it’s up you to take charge of that opportunity and do something about it…. There is something GOD keeps reminding you that you should do this year 2018! Get out and do it! Know that your GOD is more than able to do the extraordinary! Don’t wait to have all your ducks in a row just go and get it done!